Young Coconut
Young coconuts, also known as green coconuts, are a popular tropical fruit that is harvested before the meat inside hardens. They are consumed for their refreshing and sweet water, which is rich in electrolytes, and soft, jelly-like meat.
There are different types of young coconuts available in our farm, including Matag, Mawa, Mawa hybrid, and Pandan. Matag young coconuts are known for their sweet and juicy water, while Mawa young coconuts are known for their thick and creamy meat for coconut milk / cooking. Mawa hybrid young coconuts are a cross between Matag and Mawa, combining the sweet and creamy traits. Pandan young coconuts are popular for their fragrant aroma and flavor, nice for drinking.
Young coconuts are mainly available for large quantity or export only, as they have a short shelf life and require careful handling during transport. They are harvested when they are between six to nine months old, and the green outer husk is usually removed to reveal the smooth, white shell.
The water inside can then be drained and consumed, or a straw can be inserted to drink directly from the coconut. The soft meat inside can be scooped out and eaten, or used in cooking and baking.
Young coconuts are a delicious and nutritious fruit that is popular in many tropical countries. With different types available, they offer a unique flavor and texture experience.
Matured Coconut
Mature coconuts, also known as brown coconuts, are the more familiar form of coconuts that are commonly found in grocery stores and markets. They are harvested when they are about 12 months old and have a hard, brown outer husk and a fibrous, hairy interior.
Semi-husk coconuts are mature coconuts that have had a portion of the husk removed, leaving a smooth surface on one side. This makes them easier to handle and transport, and they are mainly available for large quantity or export only.
Mature coconuts are a versatile fruit that can be used in many different ways. The white meat inside can be grated and used in cooking and baking, or processed into coconut oil and coconut milk. The water inside can also be consumed, although it is less sweet and more acidic than the water from young coconuts.
Mature coconuts are a rich source of nutrients and have numerous health benefits. They are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and contain antioxidants that may help protect against chronic diseases.
In summary, mature semi-husk coconuts are available for large quantity or export only. They are versatile fruits that can be used in many different ways and are a rich source of nutrients and health benefits.
Coconut Seeds
Coconut seeds are the source of the popular and versatile coconut fruit. Coconut trees can be grown from seeds or seedlings, but seed propagation is the more natural and preferred method. There are different types of coconut seeds available, including Matag, Mawa, Mawa hybrid, and Pandan.
Matag coconut seeds are known for their resistance to pests and diseases, while Mawa coconut seeds are known for their high-yielding potential. Mawa hybrid coconut seeds are a cross between Matag and Mawa, combining the resistance and high-yielding traits. Pandan coconut seeds are popular for their fragrant aroma and flavor, which is used in cooking.
To plant coconut seeds, they should first be germinated by soaking them in water for a few days until the outer shell softens. Then, they should be planted in a hole in well-draining soil, with the pointed end facing up and the top of the seed just below the surface. The soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged, and the seedling should be protected from strong winds and direct sunlight until it establishes roots.
Having an expert to advise and monitor the growth of the coconut trees can ensure a good yield. They can provide guidance on soil preparation, fertilization, pest and disease control, and pruning. Regular monitoring and care can ensure that the coconut trees reach their full potential and produce high-quality fruits.